Литература по психологии на английском языке
Автор: А.А. СакбаевОпубликовано: May 28, 2008, 6:50 pm Оценка посетителей сайта: 1.00 (проголосовало: 1)
Уважаемые коллеги, предлагаю вашему вниманию небольшую подборку англоязычных текстов по психологии. Всего 68 наименований. Архив *.rar (206 Mb).
Ссылка для скачивания архива целиком http://stream.ifolder.ru/6755152
Тексты по отдельности:
1. Albrecht Practical intelligence the art and science of common sense 2007
2. Applying Psychology Edited by Nicky Brace and Helen Westcott The Open University (2002)
3. Barsalou 1999 Perception of perceptual symbols
4. Branden The Psychology Of Self-Esteem 1966, 2001
5. Artificial Intelligence and Natural Perception
6. Buller Individualism And Evolutionary Psychology, Narrow Functions Philsci 1997
7. Camic et al Qualitative Research in Psychology Expanding perspectives in methodology and design- 2003
8. Chomsky The Psychology Of Language And Thought (Plenum, 1983)
9. Cognitive Psychology from Hergenhahn Introduction to the History of Psychology, 2000Czarniawska A narrative approach to organization studies 1998
10. Cognitive Neuroscience of Deductive Reasoning
11. Cognitive Neuroscience Of Human Social Behaviour
12. Community Strucutre in Social and Biological Networks
13. From Cognitive Science To Folk Psychology.
14. Dai D.Y., Sternberg R.J.(eds) Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition 2004
15. Davidson Sternberg The Psychology of Problem Solving 2003
16. Dimaggio Psychopathological narrative forms-2001
17. The Effects of Psychotherapy An Evaluation H. J. Eysenck (1957)
18. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, ed. Spielberger. Vol 1 of 3 (A-H) Elsevier – 2004
19. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 1 (Wiley,2005);
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 2 (Wiley,2005);
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 3 (Wiley,2005);
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 4 (Wiley,2005)
20. Epistemology And The Psychology Of Human Judgment [2005 Isbn0195162307]
21. Freeman Mark Rewriting The Self History, Memory And Narrative Routledge Press (1996)
22. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology 2nd ed., 2001
23. Gilhooly Thinking, 1996.djvu
25. Grounding Cognition The Role Of Perception And Action In Memory, Language, And Thinking (2005)
26. Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts (2ed) Wiley (2003)
27. Handbook of Work and Health Psychology 2Ed (2003)
28. Hay PJ, Bacaltchuk J, Stefano S Psychotherapy_For_Bulimia_Nervosa_And_Binging – 2006
30. Hjorth Daniel, Steyaert Chris Narrative and Discursive Approaches in Entrepreneurship A Second Movements in Entrepreneurship Book.[2004.ISBN1843765896]
31. Horgan From Cognitive Science To Folk Psychology Computation, Mental Representation And Belief
32. Individualism And Psychology 1986
33. Information Visualization Perception For Design (Morgan Kaufmann 2004)
34. International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis Wiley (2001)
35. Kahneman Tversky Prospect theory, 1979
36. Kahneman 2002 Maps Of Bounded Rationality.Psychology for Behavioral Economics
37. Kerstin Dautenhahn Narrative Intelligence 2001
38. Krishnamurti and Psychotherapy
39. Lieberman & Pfeifer 2003 The Self & Social Perception.3 Kinds of Questions in Social Cognitive Neuroscience
40. Lindley D.V. Understanding uncertainty, 2006
41. Lopez 1987 Differences Do Make a Difference comparison with Milton Erickson
42. 1, 2, 3 Mandler, Jean M. and Mandler George, Thinking: from association to Gestall.. (N.Y.: Wiley, 1964) частично
43. Mental Models In Cognitive Science.
44. MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences Robert A. Wilson, Frank C. Keil 1999
45. The mechanism of storymaking A Grounded Theory study of the 6-Part Story Method (2006 The Arts in Psychotherapy)
46. Miller Making Sense of Motherhood A Narrative Approach
47. Narrative leadership using the power of stories
48. Narrative Medicine in An Evidence Based World
49. Neuropsychology of perception.
50. Online.Communication..Linking.Technology,.Identity,.and.Cult 2005.-.
51. Organizational Behavior 7th Ed 2002
52. Perry J. Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness, 2001
53. Philosophy of action and theory of narrative
54. Pinker Introduction to Psychology
55. Post Traumatic Stress (Ptsd) A Self Help Guide
56. Pring,.Martin.J.-.Investment.Psychology.Explained,.Classic.Strategies.To.Beat
57. Probabilistic Models of the Brain Perception and Neural Function R. Rao, et al., (MIT, 2002)
59. Social Cognitive Theory and Choice Theory- A Compatibility Analysis
60. The Psychology Of Thinking, Animal Psychology, And The Young Karl Popper
61. The Physiology of Seeing and Perception
62. Psychotherapy Depression Ebook Scan David Burns Feeling Good 2Nd Edition – 1999
63. The role of intuition in psychotherapy
65. Survival Guide For Psychotherapy, 2006
66. Strength in numbers Women and mathematics
67. Terrorism and Panic (2006 Psychotherapy and Politics International)
68. Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd)
69. Ushiroyama T. Clinical efficacy of psychotherapy inclusive of Buddhist psychology in female psychosomatic medicine – 2006
70. White Michael Narrative Therapy
71. The Wurzburg School
72. Zimbardo Gerrig 2002 Instruction Psychology and Life
Ссылка для скачивания архива целиком http://stream.ifolder.ru/6755152
Тексты по отдельности:
1. Albrecht Practical intelligence the art and science of common sense 2007
2. Applying Psychology Edited by Nicky Brace and Helen Westcott The Open University (2002)
3. Barsalou 1999 Perception of perceptual symbols
4. Branden The Psychology Of Self-Esteem 1966, 2001
5. Artificial Intelligence and Natural Perception
6. Buller Individualism And Evolutionary Psychology, Narrow Functions Philsci 1997
7. Camic et al Qualitative Research in Psychology Expanding perspectives in methodology and design- 2003
8. Chomsky The Psychology Of Language And Thought (Plenum, 1983)
9. Cognitive Psychology from Hergenhahn Introduction to the History of Psychology, 2000Czarniawska A narrative approach to organization studies 1998
10. Cognitive Neuroscience of Deductive Reasoning
11. Cognitive Neuroscience Of Human Social Behaviour
12. Community Strucutre in Social and Biological Networks
13. From Cognitive Science To Folk Psychology.
14. Dai D.Y., Sternberg R.J.(eds) Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition 2004
15. Davidson Sternberg The Psychology of Problem Solving 2003
16. Dimaggio Psychopathological narrative forms-2001
17. The Effects of Psychotherapy An Evaluation H. J. Eysenck (1957)
18. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, ed. Spielberger. Vol 1 of 3 (A-H) Elsevier – 2004
19. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 1 (Wiley,2005);
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 2 (Wiley,2005);
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 3 (Wiley,2005);
Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science vol. 4 (Wiley,2005)
20. Epistemology And The Psychology Of Human Judgment [2005 Isbn0195162307]
21. Freeman Mark Rewriting The Self History, Memory And Narrative Routledge Press (1996)
22. Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology 2nd ed., 2001
23. Gilhooly Thinking, 1996.djvu
25. Grounding Cognition The Role Of Perception And Action In Memory, Language, And Thinking (2005)
26. Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts (2ed) Wiley (2003)
27. Handbook of Work and Health Psychology 2Ed (2003)
28. Hay PJ, Bacaltchuk J, Stefano S Psychotherapy_For_Bulimia_Nervosa_And_Binging – 2006
30. Hjorth Daniel, Steyaert Chris Narrative and Discursive Approaches in Entrepreneurship A Second Movements in Entrepreneurship Book.[2004.ISBN1843765896]
31. Horgan From Cognitive Science To Folk Psychology Computation, Mental Representation And Belief
32. Individualism And Psychology 1986
33. Information Visualization Perception For Design (Morgan Kaufmann 2004)
34. International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis Wiley (2001)
35. Kahneman Tversky Prospect theory, 1979
36. Kahneman 2002 Maps Of Bounded Rationality.Psychology for Behavioral Economics
37. Kerstin Dautenhahn Narrative Intelligence 2001
38. Krishnamurti and Psychotherapy
39. Lieberman & Pfeifer 2003 The Self & Social Perception.3 Kinds of Questions in Social Cognitive Neuroscience
40. Lindley D.V. Understanding uncertainty, 2006
41. Lopez 1987 Differences Do Make a Difference comparison with Milton Erickson
42. 1, 2, 3 Mandler, Jean M. and Mandler George, Thinking: from association to Gestall.. (N.Y.: Wiley, 1964) частично
43. Mental Models In Cognitive Science.
44. MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences Robert A. Wilson, Frank C. Keil 1999
45. The mechanism of storymaking A Grounded Theory study of the 6-Part Story Method (2006 The Arts in Psychotherapy)
46. Miller Making Sense of Motherhood A Narrative Approach
47. Narrative leadership using the power of stories
48. Narrative Medicine in An Evidence Based World
49. Neuropsychology of perception.
50. Online.Communication..Linking.Technology,.Identity,.and.Cult 2005.-.
51. Organizational Behavior 7th Ed 2002
52. Perry J. Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness, 2001
53. Philosophy of action and theory of narrative
54. Pinker Introduction to Psychology
55. Post Traumatic Stress (Ptsd) A Self Help Guide
56. Pring,.Martin.J.-.Investment.Psychology.Explained,.Classic.Strategies.To.Beat
57. Probabilistic Models of the Brain Perception and Neural Function R. Rao, et al., (MIT, 2002)
59. Social Cognitive Theory and Choice Theory- A Compatibility Analysis
60. The Psychology Of Thinking, Animal Psychology, And The Young Karl Popper
61. The Physiology of Seeing and Perception
62. Psychotherapy Depression Ebook Scan David Burns Feeling Good 2Nd Edition – 1999
63. The role of intuition in psychotherapy
65. Survival Guide For Psychotherapy, 2006
66. Strength in numbers Women and mathematics
67. Terrorism and Panic (2006 Psychotherapy and Politics International)
68. Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd)
69. Ushiroyama T. Clinical efficacy of psychotherapy inclusive of Buddhist psychology in female psychosomatic medicine – 2006
70. White Michael Narrative Therapy
71. The Wurzburg School
72. Zimbardo Gerrig 2002 Instruction Psychology and Life
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Информация об авторе: А.А. Сакбаев
Опубликовано: May 28, 2008, 6:50 pm
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Количество статей: 9
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Информация об авторе: А.А. Сакбаев
Опубликовано: May 28, 2008, 6:50 pm
А.А. Сакбаев
29.05.2008 19:06
Думаю "Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science " ты и без англиского поймёшь лучше многих англоязычных.
Юрий (гость)
22.12.2008 00:34
Большое спасибо!
vlad (гость)
14.01.2009 16:48
Помогите пожалуйста найти книгу The person and the situation авторы Lee Ross and Richard E. Nisbett